Our tool generates high quality TTS that is easy to understand by everyone. Step #7: Get a share link for the resulting audio file or download it as an mp3. Step #6: Press the play button on the bottom of the text box to hear your text read out loud. Step #5: Tick the “I’m not a robot” checkbox in the bottom right of the screen.

We recommend a smaller font if you have a large text and want to avoid scrolling, or a bigger font to follow the text while easily read aloud. You can set up the text to be read out loud faster or slower than the default. You can try out different speakers if there are more available and choose the one you prefer.

Step #2: Choose your desired language and speaker. You also have the option of uploading a txt file. Step #1: Write or paste your text in the input box. Our tool can read text in over 50 languages and even offers multiple text-to-speech voices for a few widely spoken languages such as English. A text-to-speech reader has the function of reading out loud any text you input.