To make the tassel: take some of the skinny black string and cut enough to make a small tassel and then fold it in half.

Take your glue or hot glue gun, and glue the two sections together and leave to dry.Next, staple together the two ends, making a circle.Cut out triangles every few inches along the fold (so that it can easily be bent into shape around the head and stuck to the hat later on). About an inch from the edge, fold this piece of card over lengthways.For the next section of the hat, measure your child's head and cut out a strip that is long and thick enough to form the side of the hat.Take the square top of the hat and find its center.Start by drawing a 10 x 10 inch square on of the black card with your pencil and ruler.Make a graduation hatīecause it just isn't graduation without the hat! To make your own preschool graduation hat, you will need: black card, a pencil, a ruler, scissors, fabric measuring tape, a hot glue gun (or just normal glue), a stapler and a gold paper fastener. So we have come up with the 10 best ideas we can possibly think of for preschool graduation celebrations, and why they are the finest way to enjoy these special moments. After all, this is their last year coming to an end before big school starts. As our little ones are leaving preschool, we figured we'll all be wanting to celebrate this important milestone in their lives.